Executive Assessment
The most important challenge for CEOs today is achieving and sustaining profitable growth. One of the biggest limiting factors to profitable growth is a shortage of viable leaders to step up and fill critical roles. A great growth strategy will fail if the talent needed to grow is not ready to scale. How can you ensure you have the talent you need and accelerate their readiness?
Executive assessment is the foundation to accelerate your readiness for profitable growth. Our high touch approach enhances your understanding of your current talent. Because our interviews and stakeholder calls are so business focused and company-specific, we routinely hear from business leaders how valuable were the insights from our debriefs and reports. Both line executives and talent / HR leaders are able to apply the insights to make strategic bets and mitigate risks associated with growth.
Our executive assessments are the spring board to developing the capabilities to enhance performance and achieve potential. We wear two hats in the assessment process – consultant to the company and coach to the leader. We serve as a trusted advisor to the company on how to best utilize the talent you have and how to accelerate the development of your key talent. Our manager debrief sessions and assessment reports are focused and actionable. At the same time, we provide unbiased feedback and counsel to each executive who is assessed. We work with each leader to create an actionable development plan and then coach them to generate some quick wins.
Our elite core team has completed thousands of these high touch executive assessments across most industries and on six continents with companies ranging from the largest enterprises in the world to high growth startups. This means that you are getting expert judgment and experience to help accelerate mission critical talent readiness for profitable growth.